Millions of Americans suffer from chronic and severe neck and face pain, recurrent headaches. In some cases, this is a pain due to TMJ, which is also called TMD.
Your jawbone joints, or TMJs, connect your lower jaw bone to your skull. These joints are used throughout the day when you talk, eat, swallow and yawn. Pain in and around these joints is unpleasant and even restricts movement
Signs of TMD
Pain in jaw area
Pain, whistling, or choking in the ears
Frequent headache or neck pain
Shaking the jaw movement
Muscle spasms in jaw area
Change in upper and lower alignment of teeth
Locking the jaw or opening the mouth low
If you find that you experience any of these symptoms, inform your doctor at the next appointment. Your doctor can determine if you have TMD and prescribe a custom treatment plan to help relieve your pain symptoms.
All jaw pain is not related to TMD
If you feel TMD, you should go to the dentist and check in. However, all jaw pain is not related to TMD, and if you do not have TMD, there are a variety of preventive steps that you can have a healthy, strong smile.
Relax your face – Lips side by side, teeth apart
Avoid rubbing your teeth
Do not chew bubble gum
Do not put the phone between your shoulder and head – do not use the headset or put it in your ear.
Chew the food seamlessly on both sides of your mouth
Do not sit with your chin on your hands
Practice good mode – Keep your head up, flat back and shoulders straight.
Many people get no TMD bracket. Symptoms usually grow and decrease regardless of the tooth brace. If you experience any of the above symptoms and are worried about volunteering TMD, call our clinic for advice.
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